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Father and daughter playing in the town park of Hjo.

Fotograf: Jesper Anhede

Hjo Town Park

  • Visit Hjo, tourist information center

The historic park is a vibrant meeting place where people like to relax and socialise in beautiful surroundings. Activites such as outdoor gym, tennis and chess are at hand, and the park is a great place to go for a run, have a picnic or just enjoy life. 


Fotograf: Jesper Anhede


The history of Hjo Town Park

Hjo Town Park has a long history. Towards the end of the 19th century it was home to a spa resort, Hjo Vattenkuranstalt, which at the time was one of the leading establishments of its kind in inland Sweden. The spa was a place where guests got treated for various health issues, took healthy baths, socialised with other guests, ate well and enjoyed life in general. One could say that it was an all inclusive resort of its time.

The limited company Hjo Vattenkuranstalt was founded by four residents of Hjo: landowner Harald Röhss of Munkeberg, Count Gustaf Sparre of Almnäs, merchant Gustaf Sjöstedt and the newly arrived provincial doctor, Wilhelm Baggstedt. They purchased the country estate where the park now resides and started to build in the belief that a spa resort in Hjo located near to Lake Vättern had great potential.

In 1873, the railway was extended to Hjo, making the town even more easily accessible for visitors. The entire establishment was complete in 1878 and opened to the public.

The park itself was designed in 1877 by landscape architect Johan Joseph Sternemann. 



The park today - considered having a high cultural value 

In 2018, Hjo Town Park and its buildings were given a special status by the county administrative board on the grounds that the park is probably one of the best preserved in inland Sweden. The county administrative board therefore deems that the area has a particularly high cultural and historical value.



Activities in the park 

  • Outdoor gym, free of charge
  • Accessible play grounds 
  • Mini golf, open May - August  
  • BBQ and seating areas, to have picnics and get-togethers  
  • Outdoor chess, free of charge, just outside the Hotel Bellevue
  • Experimenthuset, a place for young and old to participate in scientific experiments in a fun manner. Open June-August 
  • Several restaurants and cafées within the park area  
  • Outdoor tennis court, open May-September (depending on weather conditions) 


Fotograf: Jesper Anhede