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Fotograf: Jesper Anhede

Guest Harbour

Close to supermarkets, restaurants, attractions and shopping

Did you know that you could come by boat to Hjo? Our guest harbour is located right in the middle of Hjo, close to supermarkets, restaurants, attractions and shopping. Welcome to Hjo harbour!

About the harbour

There are 14 regular boats spots in Hjo harbour, but often there are more since boat owners advertise free spots using green signs. 

Request available guest spots

Would you like to know if there are vacant spots in the harbour? Call the harbor office at +46-(0) 503 350 85

Life jackets

Need to borrow a life jacket? In the harbor office there are about 10 life jackets to borrow. Deposits will apply. Weight: 15-90 kg.

Service Harbour Office

As a guest in the harbour, you will have access to bathroom and washing facilities. There are also a refrigerator and a freezer available.


It is possible to pay via credit card. Payment is made during opening hours. 


Hamnkontoret - Hjo kommun


544 33 Hjo

Telefon: +46 503 350 85

Homepage: Zur Website