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Högaberget Trail in Nossebro

Fitness and illuminated trail at Active Stallaholm

Högaberget in Nossebro is a popular recreational area with fitness and illuminated trails.

The trails are partially covered with wood chips and bark, pass through mixed forests, and have an elevation difference of approximately 15 meters. The moderately hilly terrain provides a natural change in pace.

Here at Högaberget, you can enjoy bluebells, wood anemones, lily of the valley, wood cranesbill, and wood violet in the spring. Beautiful large oaks and hazels spread out, and chaffinches, blackbirds, song thrushes, and chiffchaffs are just some of the birds singing in the forest. If you're lucky, you might also catch a glimpse of how the beaver moves along Stallabäcken creek.

Here you can see a map!


Essunga Kommun

Sturegatan 4

465 82 Nossebro

Telefoon: +46 512 570 00

E-mail: kommun@essunga.se

Website: essunga.se/