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Fotograaf: Hidvi Group

Stage 4: Fegen – Falkenberg

Stage 4 of the Ätradal trail is in total 53 km and dips further into the region of Halland. You’ll cycle along pretty, winding lanes going through several smaller towns like Fegen and Ätran, with services such as food shops, restaurants and accommodation. When you reach Falkenberg and the sea, the trail merges with the Kattegat Cycle route which heads further south to Helsingborg, or north to Gothenburg.

Cycle on "Halland´s most beutiful road

The countryside surrounding Fegen is lovely, and full of great opportunities to go walking or get into, or on, the water. You’ll pass Yttra Berg Nature Reserve which is a popular destination, with a local history museum and beautiful landscapes with agricultural features that were common in the past, such as trees pollarded to provide fodder, hay meadows, terraced fields and enclosed lanes for use by animals. The road between Gällared and Askome has been named ”Halland’s most beautiful road”. You’ll cycle alongside the river Ätran and enjoy fantastic views, a rich flora and fauna as well as several other sights worth seeing, and interesting local history trails. Don’t miss the Yngered Falls with the Döda Fallet (literally the Death Fall). There’s an exciting culture trail to follow by the falls, which in the past generated a mill. Signs guide you round to see the timber flotation channels and mill leats, assorted ruins and the high dam walls.


Falkenberg - continue the experience by the sea

When you reach Falkenberg and the sea, the trail merges with the Kattegat Cycle route which heads further south to Helsingborg, or north to Gothenburg. You’ll find sandy beaches, a lively night life and a wide range of events, shops, accommodation and restaurants in Falkenberg. Equally worth a visit is the pretty Tullbro stone bridge and the Doktorspromenaden path set in stunning countryside by the river Ätran.