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Fotograaf: Jan Töve

Right of public access - a unique opportunity

The Right of Public Access gives everybody the freedom to roam the Swedish countryside. You make use of the right of public access when you go for a walk in the forest, paddle a kayak, go climbing or just sit on a rock and think.

Usually it is completely natural for us. In order for everyone to enjoy nature, we need to take care of nature and wildlife and show consideration for landowners and others who are outdoors. We can sum this up with the phrase ”Don’t disturb – don’t destroy”.

Show consideration for the people who live and work in the countryside

- You are not allowed to walk in fields of growing crops.
- Close the gate behind you if you have to enter fenced grazing land.
- Make sure you don´t disturb people close to their homes.
- If in doubt, ask the locals.

Picking flowers, berries and mushrooms

You are free to pick flower, berries and mushrooms in the countryside, but keep in mind that some plants are protected by law. You must not cut down or otherwise damage growing trees.

Lighting fires

You may light a fire in the countryside if conditions are safe. Use a designated fire site if there is one. Local authorities may impose a ban on fires, so check on municipal and county websites or wthe the local brigade.

Hunting and fishing

The Right of Public Access does not extend to hunting and fishing. Take note of the rules that apply in the place you want to fish. You may need a fishing permit. You are allowed to be in a hunting area as long as you don´t disturb any hunting going on there.

Take your litter home

All littering is against the law. Broken glass, cans, plastics, fishing lines and other debris can harmboth humans and animals.

Off-road driving

Off-road driving is not included in the Right of Public Access, as it can harm the countryside.

On water

You may go ashore, swim, cast anchor and temporarily moor a boat off the shore, provided it is not within the area of land attached to a house.


You may pitch your tent or stop with a caravan or motorhome for a night or two in the countryside, as long as you don´t disturb the landowner or cause damage to nature. It is important that you find a site that is well away from people´s houses and not on farmland.

The Right of Public Access does not apply equally in all areas

In nature reserves, national parks, public parks and on golf courses, the Right of Public Access is often restricted. You need to find out what local rules apply.

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