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Fotograaf: Ulricehamns wakeboardförening

Wakeboard - Poppy park

A watersport for everyone to try out

Now you have the opportunity to experience wakeboard at Lassalyckans's sport centre. Ulricehamns Wakeboard Club have built a cable park with jumps.

Wakeboard is a water sport which you stand on a board riding across the water. Lassalyckan's sport centre has a cable-park with an engine that towes you forward over the surface. For the brave one there are also jumps to try out.

It is Ulricehamn's Wakeboard Club, Poppy Park that arranges opportunities to try out the sport. Everyone is welcome, no matter age or experience. Knowledge of how to swim and being comfortable in the water is a must, otherwise no other experience of wakeboard is required. All wakeboard ridning is at ones own risk, though there will during the arrenged times always be professional staff there to guide and help you.

For more information about the next time there will be opportunities to try out the sport, check out Poppy park and Ulricehamn's Wakeboard Club's Facebook and Instagram. 

The wakeboard park is located at "the big pond" some hundred meters from the parking lot at UIF's clubhouse. Follow the poppy park-signs for a ten minutes warm up walk to the pond.


Poppy Park

Lassalyckan, Idrottsvägen

52333 Ulricehamn

Telefoon: +46739 71 49 00

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: poppypark.se/