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Fotograaf: Helena Haglund/nuab

Ulricehamn golf club
Lassalyckan, Ulricehamn

Traditional 18-hole golf course

At Ulricehamns Golf Club you play golf on an 18 hole course, one of the highest situated tracks in southern Sweden and an attractive club since 1947.

Golf with a view

At Ulricheamns Golf Club you can play golf in an interesting and varied park- and forest course in wonderful nature with a wonderful view. You can see Falköping from 12th tee and Borås on the 16th tee.

Restaurant with good service and generous opening hours.

You will find the golf course at the top of Ulricehamn, next to the Lassalyckan and Hotell Lassalyckan.


Ulricehamns Golfklubb

Idrottsgatan 22

52333 Ulricehamn

Telefoon: +46 321 279 50

E-mail: info@ulricehamnsgk.se

Website: ulricehamnsgk.se