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Fotograaf: Camilla Palm

Stora Stegerhult
Liared, Ulricehamn


Gerda Stomberg’s legacy to Lindared parish. A beautifully restored farm from the 19th century where the original environment has been preserved and the buildings have been restored to more or less their original state. The barn has been made into a tool museum.

Who was Gerda Stomberg?

Born in 1887, Gerda Stomberg inherited Stora Stegerhult from her mother, Evalotta Stomberg, and ran the farm until her death in 1984.

Gerda was a special kind of woman. She took care of the tasks that were generally performed by men on other farms. She enjoyed taking part in all forms of hunting. There was nothing she couldn't tackle when it came to farm management and for this she was respected and revered by the local community.

Gerda bequeathed almost all of her estate to the parish of Liared following her death. This formed the basis of a fund in memory of Gerda Stomberg, with a board appointed to manage donations and distribute funds each year in response to applications from associations and individuals within the Liared community.

In 1986 an interest group was formed that, with the help of donations, grants and voluntary work, renovated the old building at Stora Stegerhult using traditional methods.

The buildings are open Sundays June-July, 15-18. Coffee shop. Group visits can be booked for other times.

Colin Nutley & Gerda Stomberg

To a large extent, Liared and Stora Stegerhult are the inspiration for the fictional world of Änglagård and the Yxared community. Colin Nutley fell in love with Liared when he spent time here with his former wife. He says himself that had he not come to Liared, he would never have made his Änglagård films. For Nutley, Liared seemed the epitome of a small Swedish community.

He was fascinated by village life here, which also reminded him of the rural community where he grew up in England. In particular, he was captivated by a woman by the name of Gerda Stomberg. His fascination resulted in 1984 in the documentary Where roses never die. However, Nutley was unable to let go of the mystique surrounding Stomberg and he began to weave more elements into the story. Eventually he produced a manuscript for Änglagård, one of the greatest success stories in Swedish movie-making history.

"My fondest summer memories are those of my time spent in Liared… my love affair with Liared will never come to an end." Colin Nutley


Stora Stegerhult


52391 Ulricehamn

Telefoon: +46 73 0449017