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Fotograaf: Ekstrand Media

Outdoor Support

Cycling, hiking and outdoor activities - exciting experiences

Outdoor Support is a company that offers packages for cycling, hiking and other outdoor activities. Whether you want to sleep in a comfortable bed or outdoors in a shelter, there is something to suit everyone.

Outdoor activities with comfortable accommodation

Outdoor Support offers all sorts of exciting all-inclusive packages for cycling, hiking and other outdoor activities. The company works with local accommodation providers and food suppliers, which means that you can be out all day but still sleep in a comfortable bed and enjoy a good cooked dinner in the evening. You get the best of both worlds - first outdoor life and then a comfortable overnight stay. Luggage transport is also an option when renting bicycles.


Adventures in the great outdoors

Put some more excitement into your life! Try sleeping outdoors and cooking over an open fire, with or without a guide. Outdoor Support gives you the chance of testing different outdoor activities in a way that suits you best.

Multiple packages available

There are many different packages to choose from, for example:

Cycling along Sjuhäradsrundan - cultural landscapes, dense woods, countless lakes and an almost completely paved cycle path for 150 kilometres. This tour can be cycled in the opposite direction, starting in Svenljunga.

See Björkedal close up, on foot - full board for three nights and four days full of activities. In the daytime you are spoiled for choice among the many local paths and in the evening you can enjoy the comforts of Björkedal Gård.



Outdoor Support


Telefoon: +46 70 277 53 64

E-mail: info@outdoorsupport.se

Website: Naar Homepage