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Källebcka is a yellow wooden manner in Ulricehamn

Fotograaf: Jan Töve

Open Estates

A trip around Lake Åsunden and the estates around the lake offers many lovely impressions. Culture, good food, crafts, delicacies and activities. Some of the estates around the lake are privately owned and some are open to the public. Here you will find an overview of which ones are open for visits.

Open for visits

- Go hundreds of years back in time - step into Torpa Stenhus. You can visit the craftsmen, go on guided tours or enjoy some theatre. Torpa Stenhus was filled with jesters, craftsmen, knights and archers during the Middle Ages. If you can’t see enough of the castle in one day, stay overnight in one of the surrounding buildings. Here you find the opening hours!

- At Hofsnäs Herrgård you can enjoy a gastronomic experience created together with local, small-scale producers. The manor house restaurant is certified as organic and approved by A Taste of West Sweden and Visita. You can also stay close to the lake in the Torpanäset nature reserve.

- In the barnyard at the farm, Källebacka, Christina and Peter have created a meeting place, that gives you the opportunity to take part in the cultural environment. Källebacka is a very well-preserved representative of the 17th century manor architecture. The house itself is not open to the public, but Christina and Peter have created Home at Källbacka in the barnyard with farm shop and café.