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a black box where you can add air into your cyklewheels

Fotograaf: Ulricehamns kommun

Pump and Charge your Bike

In Ulricehamn there is possible to both pump and charge your bike

Bicycle Pumps

Ulricehamn Municipality, in collaboration with Ulricehamn Energy, has installed bike pumps in central Ulricehamn. One pump is located at the Sim- och Sporthallen along the walkway on Tre Rosors väg. The other can be found in Ulricaparken by the lake, near the bike rack. The pumps can also be used for strollers and wheelchairs.

An additional pump is available at the Lassalyckan outdoor area.

Find nearest pump station


Charge Batteries

If you want to charge your bike battery, mobile phone, or other mobile devices, you can do so free of charge at the Ulricehamn Tourist Office during their opening hours. The maximum charging time is two hours, and you can leave your device in secure, lockable charging lockers. You need to bring your own charger.


Bike Garage

There is now a bike garage installed at the back of the station building at Ulricehamn bus station. The bike garage consists of several large storage boxes that can accommodate a bike, allowing you to store and lock your bike during the day instead of leaving it in an unattended bike rack. You can also lock up your bike helmet, rain gear, or other items before you get on the bus. Bring your own padlock!