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Mobile home

Fotograaf: LM. Persson

Parking for mobile home

Welcome to Ulricehamn with your motorhome. Here, you will find several parking areas where you can park and overnight with your motorhome completely free of charge. Find a parking spot centrally in Ulricehamn by the sparkling Lake Åsunden, stay in a rural setting near the farms around the lake, or camp close to a delightful campsite.

Important Information

Signposted parking spaces allow you to park for 24 hours unless otherwise specified, while the rules at rest areas can vary greatly. The regulations for different parking and rest areas can be found on additional signs at the parking area. A vehicle should not be parked in a way that occupies two parking spaces, and generally, the use of awnings, grills, or conspicuous camping equipment is not permitted. It might be tempting to park on a meadow or similar area, but driving on unpaved ground is not allowed according to off-road driving laws. In Ulricehamn, parking is free of charge, including for motorhomes.