Trollhättan Waterfalls
The falls in Trollhättan are the highest and most powerful in any river in Southern Sweden; nowhere does a river cut through the landscape in such a dramatic way as it does here. However, since the water is held back by the sluice gates, it is not until these gates are opened that the true intensity and power comes to life.
Information 2024: There will be no regular release of water in the falls during summer of 2024
The beautiful waterfalls in Trollhättan are unique and has been the focal point for tourists, artists and innovators since the 18th Century. Today the water does not flow freely as it once did but at specific times during June - August the floodgates open.
Power in the falls
The gorge started as a small crack thousand of years ago, and grew inte an impressive river with the help of falling boulders and unrelenting water. The best place to see the falls and the river is from the Oscar bridge (Oscarsbron), though there are many enchanting and breathtaking view points along the nearby paths, not to mention the highest view point of them all, Kopparklinten, with its mile long views.
A push for industry
The area looked very different before the construction of the locks and the two large power plants; the water was ever-present and there was a constant roaring from the falls. The river has been used to generate power in mills for hundreds of years. During the 1700s and 1800s the smaller mills grew larger and the little town grew in population.
Check out this YouTube clip showing a release of the waterfalls in Trollhättan.
The sluice gates open (2024):
Due to the ongoing energy crisis there will be no release of water in the falls during the summer of 2024. This is because the water is needed for the energy production of the city's two water power plants. There will only be release of water in the falls during the Waterfall Days festival between July 19th to 21st. The gates open at 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM and 11 PM.
Psst! Did you know.. When the sluice gates are open, 300 000 litres of water pour through the gates - every second!
46134 Trollhättan
Telefoon: +4652013509