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Spiköns miniature golf

Beautiful miniature golf near the waters of the Göta River

Spiköns miniature golf is located on Spikön (Nail Island) and surrounded by beautiful scenery and the waters of the Göta River. Spikön is a popular area for relaxation and fun for both locals and visitors. Here you are also close by Spikön Guest Harbour and Skrotnisse Playground.

Miniature golf suits everyone and is a perfect activity for the whole family. Challenge your loved ones at a charming 18 hole course with beautiful views. Nearby there is a kiosk that is open during the summertime where you can buy ice cream or coffee. 

Spikön where the miniature golf is located is a gathering place for outdoor activities, where both visitors and locals meet in a relaxing environment.


Spiköns bangolf



Telefoon: +4652014097

E-mail: mikael.karlsson@nbv.se

Website: Naar Homepage