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A small cafe with a great view, famous for its popular shrimp sandwiches

Welcome to the Slusscafé at the upper locks in Trollhättan! Here, you can relax in beautiful surroundings among locks and boats.

During the summer months, Skoftebyn's IF opens the doors to Slusscaféet - a popular choice for both locals and visitors. At this outdoor café you are in a wonderful environment with beautiful views of the old locks and the nature area Gamle Dal'n. Slusscaféet serves baguettes, waffles, pancakes, salads and of course its popular shrimp sandwiches. 

If you wish to book a table you can call the café at +4679 304 50 72 or by email at cafe@skoftebynsif.nu

The little kiosk (slusskiosken)

The kiosk is next to the guest harbor and you can buy soft ice cream, sweets, soda, newspapers and much more in the summer months. The café and kiosk at the guest harbor is run by Skoftebyns IF since 1983.

Enjoy the view and share a coffee with a local!

Opening hours summer 2024

Closed for the summer season since september 1st. 

During other time periods - see Slusscaféets Facebook for opening hours. 


Slusscaféet - Skoftebyns IF

Slussledsvägen 5

46134 Trollhättan

E-mail: cafe@skoftebynsif.nu

Website: Naar Homepage