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Fotograaf: Peter Fredberg

Mountain Bike Trails on Hunneberg

Mountain bike trails on beautiful Hunneberg mountain

Get into the heart of Hunneberg mountain's forests quickly and experience nature from the saddle. On the mountain there are three marked bike trails that are adapted for mountain biking. If you dont have your own mountain bike with you, you can rent one at the Royal Hunt Museum Elk Hill. All the trails are also excellent for running or hiking.

Choose between 3 different mountain bike trails

Information and map of the trails can be found outside the Royal Hunt Museum Elk Hill on Bergagården, Hunneberg.

Green trail - Kjellssons reklam - 12 kilometers, easy difficulty
The trail mostly goes on dirt road and an exercise trail, starting from Bergagården on Hunneberg. The green markings begin at the asphalt road at the large gravel parking lot below Bergagården. Bike about 500 meters southwest into the asphalt road and then turn left on the gravel road towards Nyrud and follow the green markings. 

Blue trail - Hansson Bil - 16 kilometers, easy to medium difficulty
The trail runs on exercise trails, forest trails and gravel roads. The blue markings starts at the Bergagården area on Hunneberg and initially follows the 2.5 kilometer hiking trail north. 

Red trail - Sportson - 14 kilometers, medium difficulty
The trail mostly goes uphill. The red markings begin at the large gravel parking area below Bergagården, Hunneberg. Cycle west towards Byklev from the parking on the asphalt road and take a left on the trail at the red markings. 

The Hunneberg Bike Map is available to purchase at the Royal Hunt Museum Elk Hill on Hunneberg, Tappen automobile repair shop in Vargön and Sportson bike shop at Överby Shopping Center. Price: 100 SEK. The map is written in Swedish. 

Mountain bike rental on Hunneberg

If you don't have your own mountain bike with you, you can easily rent bikes at the Royal Hunt Musuem Elk Hill. Here are bikes available for both adults and children and helmets and locks are included. Read more about the mountain bike rental here.


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