Kungajaktmuseet Älgens Berg
The Royal Hunt Museum - Elk Hill is situated in the Ecopark Halle-Hunneberg. Here you get to know more about the elk, hillside habitats, captivating cultural history and traditional royal hunts. The museum's ecopark exhibition has useful information about sights and activities in the ecopark to inspire visitors’ excursions. Welcome to step into the fascinating world of hillsides in the north-west corner of Västergötland.
Fotograaf: Kungajaktmuseet Älgens Berg
King of the forest
The museum has an exhibition about wildlife in the hills, with the elk definitely in the centre. You are guided with interactive sections and practical information in the form of text and images. Exciting sagas and myths about gods, kings, elk and how the hills came about are all described. Discover the gold treasure hidden for millennia in the foot of the hills, and follow the story of how the gold was discovered. Browse the museum on your own, or go with one of the guides who can fill you in on all the details.
Let the whole family experience nature at its best
Welcome to come and see the forests and fields in the Ecopark Halle-Hunneberg and the Royal Hunt Museum - Elk Hill. Join one of the expert guides on an beaver safari on Lake Eldmörjan and look out for the wary in their wild habitat. You can also rent a canoe and paddle along the magical forest lakes, or rent a mountain bike and explore the hills along the narrow roads and paths. The museum's well-stocked shop rents out fishing tackle and you can buy fishing permits for one of the beautiful lakes in the area.
Summer open cafe 2023
During the summer you can visit the museum's summer open café that is open during the same time as the museum. Here you can enjoy a Swedish fika or sandwiches. Open until September 3rd, Monday - Sunday 10:00-16:00 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
Halle- & Hunneberg
Hunneberg 121
468 31 Vargön
Telefoon: +46 521 27 00 40
E-mail: Zend e-mail
Website: hallehunneberg.se/