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Fotograaf: Fristorps Gård

Fristorps Farm
Västra Tunhem

Historic farm in Västra Tunhem with a popular farm shop

This historic farm is located at the foot of Hunneberg mountain in the beautiful Västra Tunhem area. With clean flavors and no additives, Fristorps Farm is a perfect place for people who like locally produced products. Here fruits, berries and vegetables are grown which are sold both at the farm shop and in local stores in both Trollhättan and Vänersborg. Year after year they have won prices for their lovely products.

Farm shop and garden café

In the farm shop you will find homemade juice, jam, marmalade, chutney, flavored vinegar and more. During different seasons, different types of fresh produce is also on sale directly from the fields. During July and August the farm has an open garden café where you can sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee and local products from the farm. Enjoy the views of rural Sweden while enjoying good food and drink. 

Opening hours 2023

The farm shop is open all year round, when the owners are home. Please call the farm ahead of your visit to make sure the shop is open. 

Between July-August their garden café is open on Sundays between 11:00 - 16:00 (11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).


Fristorps Gård

Fristorp 210

461 93 Västra Tunhem

Telefoon: +46 520 421202

E-mail: Zend e-mail