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Fishing in Lake Vänern

Eldorado for anglers

Lake Vänern, western Europe's largest lake with a maximum depth of 106 meters and an average depth of 27 meters offers fantastic fishing opportunities of its visitors. In Vänersborg there are 100 kilometers of coast with a wide selection of fishing spots to choose from, a true eldorado for anglers.

Here you will find 35 different fish species

In Lake Vänern you can catch salmon, pike and whitefish to name just a few species. In total there are 35 different fish species here. The largest of the Lake Vänern salmon "Gullspånglaxen" (Gullspång salmon) is the world's largest salmon weighing over 20 kilograms. Annually salmon and trout weighing more than 10 kilograms are caught in Lake Vänern. Nowhere in Europe it's easier to hook a salmon in the 5-kilo class than in Lake Vänern. 

Open a map that shows good fishing locations around Lake Vänern (Google Maps).

Fishing permit

No fishing permit is required for fishing in Lake Vänern, but there are fishing rules that must be followed. Read the Country Administrative Board's brochure on fishing rules in Lake Vänern here. 


Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg

46233 Vänersborg

Telefoon: +46 0521 13509

E-mail: info@visittv.se