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Contact Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg

Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg is the name of the joint tourist company for Trollhättan and Vänersborg. We have two all-year open tourist information centers in Trollhättan and Vänersborg. See below for contact information to the tourist centers and to the staff.

About Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg

Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg is owned by a member association consisting of the City of Trollhättan, City of Vänersborg and more than 150 companies. Our main mission is to inspire more people to visit our area and discover the great activities and sights that Trollhättan and Vänersborg offers. 

Trollhättan Tourist Information Center

The tourist office in Trollhättan is located on Drottningtorget, the main square in central Trollhättan. From here you can easily reach many of Trollhättan's main attractions by foot, bike or car. Open all year. You can also call the tourist office at +46(0)520 135 09 or email us at info@visittv.se

Vänersborg Tourist Information Center

The tourist office in Vänersborg is located at main square and sells train and bus tickets for the whole of Sweden. The tourist office is close by the city center and several attractions. Open all year. You can also call the tourist office at +46(0)521 135 09 or email us at info@visittv.se


Maria Engström-Weber - CEO
Phone +46(0)738 33 93 55
Email: maria.engstromweber@visittv.se

Felicia Hallberg - Trollhättan Tourist Office Manager
Phone +46(0)72 501 35 07
Email: felicia.hallberg@visittv.se 

Ellinore Wagnervik - Vänersborg Tourist Office Manager
Phone +46(0)738-01 35 45
Email: ellinore.wagnervik@visittv.se

Oxana Akhremova - Bus and Train Sales Manager
Tel. +46(0)521 135 09
Emai: oxana.akhremova@visittv.se

Fredrik Lilja - Web Developer
Phone +46(0)76 801 35 14
Email: fredrik.lilja@visittv.se

Sladjana Siric - Accountant
Phone +46(0)76 841 35 81
Email: sladjana.siric@visittv.se