Valön Nature Reserve
The reserve is a great benefit for outdoor life and is easily accessible from both land and sea.
Valön (the ö here, in Swedish, means island) is situated in the south of the municipality, just north of Gerlesborg. The reserve is a great benefit for outdoor life and is easily accessible from both land and sea. There are fine opportunities for bathing and fishing, and many footpaths and small bridges lead the way to the most attractive areas. Steep rocks predominate on the western shore, but there are also areas with extensive coastal meadows. The higher meadows are interspersed with earth from ground seashells that gives rise to a dry earth vegetation, and you can find such flora as cowslips, carline thistle, limestone wild strawberry, greater knapweed, and meadow oat-grass together with a number of mosses dependent on limestone.
From E6: Road 174 towards Bovallstrand. Then drive towards Hamburgsund. Pass Gerlesborg Art School and Svenneby Old Church Just past Svenneby New Church turn left.
Tanum Turist
Telefoon: +46 52561188