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Fotograaf: Henrik Theodorsson

Gräne Mine

Popular destination with hiking opportunities

A short distance from route 154 in the western Swedish forests of Svenljunga local authority you will discover Gräne Gruva, a feldspar mine dating back to the 19th century, which is surrounded by hiking trails, magic paths and lookout points

Go on an excursion to Gräne Gruva

Gräne Gruva is located between lakes Holsjön and Lilla Hallången in the western part of the administrative area. Feldspar was mined here from the late 19th century. It was used mainly in the porcelain industry and the majority of it was exported to Germany by a small railway which connected to the minor railway line Falkenbergs Järnväg, between Falkenberg and Limmared. The quarry is approximately 20x15 metres in size, with 20-metre walls and is accessible by a short walk from the car park. Mining operation ceased in 1930, but the open cast, which lies a hundred or so metres into the forest from route 154 between Holsjunga and Överlida, is still there today. 

The mine is an popular tourist attraction and has been nominated as one of the wonders of Västra Götaland. Take a picnic and enjoy a coffee break by the barbecue area or at one of the many picnic tables.

Bridge over water Gräne Mine

Fotograaf: Henrik Theodorsson

Hike past the mine

At the mine you will also find several shorter and slightly longer hiking trails. The trails are well laid out and signposted. There are four trails, Trollstigen which is 800 meters, a shorter trail - Toppleden, 1.8 km and two a little longer, Järnvägsleden - at 3.6 km and Geoogileden - 4.2 km.

Here you can see an overview map of the area.


Holsljunga hembygdsförening, Markägaren & Ideella föreningen Gräne Gruva 1899.

Gräne Gruva

512 64 Holsljunga

Telefoon: +46 325 181 00

E-mail: kommun@svenljunga.se

Website: granegruva.se/