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Fotograaf: Jonas Ingman

Glasets Hus

Glassworks and museum, art gallery and shop

See exhibitions, visit the glass museum and try your hand at glassblowing. In the shop at Glasets Hus, in the glass region of Limmared, you will find many beautiful glass creations blown in the glassworks on site. It is the oldest glassworks still running in Sweden, going as far back as the 1740s. These days it is most famous for producing bottles for Absolut Vodka. At Glasets Hus there are loads of activities, all connected with glass production.

Glass museum and art gallery

The glass museum follows the manufacturing of glass from the 18th century to the present. Displays include antique glassware and production equipment through the ages. The art gallery hosts exciting exhibitions by contemporary glassblowers and artists.

Fotograaf: Jonas Ingman

Glass blower for a day

In the melting room at Glasets Hus you can see the glassblowers giving form to molten glass and you can even become a glassblower for a day. A buffet lunch or a cup of coffee is a welcome part of any visit and tastes great around the fire or in the beautiful conservatory, Vinterträdgården.
Our four-legged friends are also welcome to Glasets Hus café - see the website for more info.


Would you like more ideas about what you can find nearby? Glasets Hus is a certified InfoPoint where you can pick up brochures and maps and knowledgeable staff can help with your questions about the area.


Glasets Hus Limmared

Östra Järnvägsgatan 2

51441 Limmared

Telefoon: +46 325 66 00 60

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: Naar Homepage