- 09 mrt, 2018
- Bron: The estates around the lake
Among lakes, oaks and fir, you will find Sjuhäradsbygden and famous estates around the lake Åsunden. In Tranemo municipality, the area has been characterized by the manufacturing industry, Kinds deep forests created the conditions for the industry. The area has several lakes and lots of history.
Birgit Th Sparre was the author of the romance series Gårdarna runt sjön (The estates around the lake). In the series she describes how to survive the long hours in the countryside by painting a beautiful but also honest everyday picture of nature and the people who lived there. Since Birgit herself belonged to the area, she describes the Estates in a genuine way. Torpa (Heljö) and Hofsnäs Herrgård (Lindö) are two of the estates which are located in the Torpanäsets nature reserve in Tranemo municipality near the border to Ulricehamn and Borås. Both Hofsnäs and Torpa, (which are about 4 km apart) are open to visitors.
Torpanäsets nature reserve
Torpanäset is a nature reserve, it has marked trails that go along the water. The paths are called Hofsnäs nature trails and all are accessible for people with disability. Hofsnäs is owned by Borås city and is also managed by them. Outer Åsunden offers fantastic fishing and swimming waters.
Some of the farms
Hofsnäs Herrgård is part of Smaka at Västsverige and offers locally produced food with raw materials from all over Western Sweden. In the "Lilla Saluhallen" you can buy raw materials from Smaka in West Sweden. Hofsnäs restaurant is located in the manor house overlooking Yttre Åsunden. In Sjöstugan, which is located behind the Little Market Hall, one can stay nice with wood-fired barrel and sauna overlooking the water. During the summer, the craftsmen also have their craft store open. At Hofsnäs, an annually celebrated Midsummer celebration is organized for the whole family, but also other events such as the Matens Day and the Sports Car Meeting. During the winter, their well-attended Christmas dinner is appreciated. The hiking trail Oxabanan goes from Hofsnäs further south towards Limmared.
Just a few kilometers from Hofsnäs you will find Torpa Stenhus, one of Sweden's best preserved manor houses. Here, Gustav Vasa is said to have been visiting to get his future wife Katarina Stenbock. The surroundings around Torpa are just as Hofsnäs strikingly beautiful with its location near the water. At Torpa you can go guided tours and get information about kings, the Middle Ages but also get information about the time when Danes and Swedes fought. At Torpa you can eat in their restaurant, stay in nice cottages next to the water and shop in the craftsmen's shop. Summer offers nice theater games through Torpa Castle Theater but also the well-attended medieval days. During the winter it opens up for the Christmas market.
If you want to experience all the farms in Birtgit Th Sparre's novel, you can also take the car. Respect that all farms are not open for visits and thus can be private homes. Read more about Birgit Th Sparre here.
Some accommodations that offer the bike package for the farms around the lake are Hofsnäs Herrgård, Åsundsholm Country Club (Birgit Th Sparre's writing house) and Skotteksgården Camping & Stugby.
Nearby you can easily take the old railway station Ätradalsleden (20 km) and Sjuhäradsrudan (15 km). The surroundings are so beautiful and can be experienced by bicycle.