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Fotograaf: Jonas Ingman


Sweden's most westerly lighthouse

Ursholmen is part of the Kosterhavet National Park. From the lighthouse there’s a magnificent view over much of the park, For more than 70 years, the island was a living community, where the Swedish troubadour Evert Taube's uncle worked as a lighthouse keeper for a time.

The lighthouse was the first in Sweden to be built from concrete. The two lighthouses on Ursholmen is 13 meters high and is located 33 meters above sea level. They are visible from both land and sea around the clock.

You can reach Ursholmen by private boat and there is a natural harbor with guest dockor. 

Boat excursions often call at Ursholmen in summer, departing from Strömstad. 
Selin Charter

Kust Event

More about Ursholmen


Kosterhavets nationalpark

Hamnevägen 30

45205 Sydkoster

Telefoon: +46 010 2245000

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: kosterhavet.se