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Discover life under the water’s surface

Discover life under the water’s surface while snorkelling along the 200 metres of the trail. Among the different types of beautiful seaweed, a wonderful underwater forest rich in wildlife has been formed.

You are welcome to try Kosterhavet’s snorkel trails. There is one by Rörvik on South Koster and one in Hasslebukten on Saltö.

The snorkelling trail is a kind of nature trail, but in the water. Along the snorkelling trail you will find signs to guide you through and give you information on the most common species you may encounter along the trail. The signs are screwed to concrete foundations and have handles to hold on to when you are reading them under the water.

A pair of fins can facilitate swimming, and if the water is cold, a wetsuit is a good idea. Give some thought to not snorkelling alone, or at least having someone on land keeping watch.


Kosterhavets nationalpark


Telefoon: +46 10 224 54 00

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: kosterhavet.se