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A picture of the trainstation

Train & Bus

From Gothenburg Central Station

From Gothenburg Central Station to Strömstad, both coaches and trains depart for Strömstad.
For timetables, see Västtrafik
For information about buses and trains from other parts of Sweden, see Resrobot


Tickets (card) for Västtrafik's trains and buses can be bought from different shops, for example Pressbyrån and Coop Konsum in Strömstad and Pressbyrån at Gothenburg Central Station. These are then activated on board the train or bus. Staff on the trains/buses will be happy to help you.

Read more about Tickets & Fares here.


From Norway / Oslo

From Oslo you can go by train to Halden, Norway and from here travel by buss to Strömstad.

Train or bus, see Vy.no
Buss Halden - Strömstad, see Västtrafik
Travel planner, see Resrobot