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Molekylverkstan Science Center

Explore different scientific phenomena

At Molekylverkstan, in the coastal town of Stenungsund in West Sweden, adults and children have to use their creativity and curiosity to find answers to the question: Why? Come to the center and examine, experiment and test different scientific phenomena in various areas.

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Learn more about everyday products and materials

Molekylverkstan is designed to awaken your creativity and the excitement of making discoveries. Learn about different chemical processes in everyday life, using all your senses. By taking part in interactive experiments, you can find the answers to scientific questions in an entertaining and educational way. During your visit to the museum you can count on learning a whole lot about chemical processes, everyday products and materials that come from plastic and chemicals companies.



Kulturhuset Fregatten

44421 Stenungsund

Telefoon: +46 303 24 04 40

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: molekylverkstan.se/