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Fotograaf: Olof Andersson

Smögens Fisketurer

Sea tours with refreshments and fishing yarns

Take your family and friends on a Smögen fishing trip out to sea and get the feel of the beautiful Bohuslän archipelago. Choose between different options: sea fishing, lobster safari, crayfish and so on. Finish off your sea adventure with a cup of coffee in the boathouse, where you can listen to one or two fishing yarns!

Wendla will take you to sea

Smögen fishing trips will take you to the Bohuslän archipelago in their boat, Wendla. Fishing for mackerel, cod and ling is included in the family option. You may also come across seals and haul up some crab pots. On the lobster and crayfish tours you can take part in emptying the pots and then replacing the bait. The voyage then continues to the boathouse in Smögen harbour for coffee and cakes.

Sunset at Wendal Smögens Fisketur.

Fotograaf: Olof Andersson

Nature and bird life

You can also skip the fishing and go for a tour in the archipelago. During the trip you keep an eye out for seals and enjoy the water and bird life. You have the opportunity of going ashore on one of the islands outside Smögen. One suggestion is a stop on Hållö, with its beautifully situated hostel, the small chapel and a different lighthouse. 


Smögens Fisketurer

Däcksgatan 12

45650 Smögen

Telefoon: +46 523 372 49

E-mail: wendla916@hotmail.com

Website: smogensfisketurer.se