Skaraborg Culture Route
This route runs through Skaraborg, taking you past magnificent scenery and fascinating historic locations, and is ideal for cyclists and motorists alike.
Skaraborg Culture Route runs from Karleby, near Falköping, past ancient remains and abbey ruins, before continuing towards Lake Hornborgasjön with its fantastic bird life. It then makes its way past Varnhem and through Vallebygden Nature Reserve, with its beautiful valleys, hills and steep slopes. This stretch ends in Tidan near Skövde, where you’ll find everything from historic remains to flea markets.
Fotograaf: Mårten Bergkvist
Follow the brown and white signs for a fantastic experience. Skaraborg Culture Route also has its own app which points out additional sights along the way. The app can be downloaded from the AppStore or Google Play. To find out more, visit Skaraborg Culture Route.