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Young women standing on top of the magnificent diabase pillar of Ryds grottor. Enjoying the clear blue sky and the beautiful view.

Fotograaf: Jesper Anhede

Discover Platåbergens Geopark


WHAT IS A GEOPARK? | A geopark is an area with geology of international importance – this means something that is unique in the world. In a geopark the story of the connections between geology, biology and cultural historiy is told, and gives us understanding for how we can administer our natural resources and our planet in a sustainable way. Today there is a large global network of heoparks. The status an area gets as a geopark is a quality stamp and a proof that the natural environment around us is worth paying attention to internationally. During the autumn 2019 an application about becoming Sweden’s first Unesco Global Geopark was submitted.

A LANDSCAPE TO BE PROUD OF | The table mountains have created the right conditions for a rich cultural heritage and valuable natural habitats, and the mountains have been important to the people of the area for a very long time. Megalithic tombs, old stone churches, stonemasonries and a fascinating nature and landscape has created the identity that is associated with the table mountain landscape – a landscape to be proud of! So take your time to explore it, and all the winding stories that aret old here.

Read more on platabergensgeopark.se

DISCOVER THE AREA | Download our app and discover over 100 sights in the table mountain landscape – search for ”platåbergen” where you usually download your apps! The app is available in Swedish and English.