In our museums you can experience both interesting history and contemporary exhibitions. Learn more about Skaraborg and its artists, history and present and join us at the museum!
Västergötlands museum
Over 10 000 years of the history of Västergötland is shown here, and there is always something new to discover. Among other things, you can see world unique findings of at least 14 ceremonial shields from the bronze age. The museum also offers a variety of constantly changing lectures, temporary exhibitions and workshops.
Art museum Skövde
In the cultural center in Skövde you will find the art museum and its unique art collection with art from the 20th century until today. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, the museum also shows several temporary displays of art with different themes.
Falbygdens museum
At Falbygdens museum you can follow a unique history that starts in prehistoric times. In the exhibition you can see the skeleton of a 9000 year old dog, the young girl called Hallonflickan who was sacrificed to the Gods and a copy of the massive gold neck collar from Ålleberg among other historic objects.
Tidaholms museum
Tidaholms museum is located on the small island Vulcanön in the middle of the town. Learn more about Vulcan, the world’s largest manufacturer of matches during the last turn of the century, and about Tidaholms Bruk, that made furniture and cars among other things.
Military museum Axvall
How did the soldiers live during military exercises and war? In this garrison museum you can follow the life of the soldiers of our area, from the battlefields of the Middle Ages to the high technology defence systems of today. You can also search for your roots among 500 000 soldiers.
Rörstrands museum
Rörstrands museum is located in Lidköping and shows an almost 300 year old history of porcelain making. Go on a guided tour or wander the museum by yourself to find your favourite dinnerware.
Fotograaf: Mårten Bergkvist
Agriculture museum Grästorp
This rural museum has the largest collection of agricultural machinery in west Sweden. You can see over 3000 objects from the last 10 000 years. During the summer you can take part in a variety of activities with different themes. The museum is suitable for both children and functionally disabled people.
Dalénmuseet interactive museum
The Dalén museum is an interactive museum dedicated to the famous Nobel prize winner Gustaf Dalén. The AGA stove and his inventions in the field of lighthouse technology are only a few of the things that made him famous all over the world
This museum gives you a gathered information about the big lake Vänern and the town Lidköping. Here you will find exhibitions, aquariums and activities – everything with a connection to the water and the history of the district.
Vadsbo museum
In parts of the former governors residence in Mariestad you will find Vadsbo museum. See a selection of objects which show the history of the district, from prehistoric times until today.
Glider museum Ålleberg
The glider museum at Ålleberg is the only one of its kind in Sweden and shows the history of gliders. There are several planes to see, and one of them is the world’s now oldest flying Tiger Moth. The guides at the museum would love to show you around and tell you about the different objects.
Veterinary museum
This fascinating gem, beautifully located in a lush park in Skara, beholds many treasures. In 1775 the first Swedish veterinatian school opened here. Today it is the only veterinary museum in the country. In the museum you can learn how a Caesarean is done on a sow and much more.
Åsle Tå historic environment Falköping
The open air museum Åsle Tå has the largest collection of the typical Swedish “backstugor”, or hill cottages, located in their original spots. It is a unique historic environment from the 18th and 19th centuries which makes the heritage from a Sweden in poverty come alive.
Gunvor Johdet tapestry museum
This museum is located in Stenstorp and shows an interesting and thoughtful exhibition of beautifully handmade tapestry. The collection includes roughly 600 tapestries of different sizes and designs and is therefore one of the largest in the country.