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Cranes at dusk. The sky behind them is coloured blue and purple by the sunset.

Fotograaf: Jesper Anhede


There are several spots perfect for bird watching in Skaraborg. We have gathered the best places to experience the birdlife.

A total of nearly 50 unusual wetland species breed in Lake Hornborga. One example is the black-necked Grebe, but you can also see the world’s largest and world’s smallest owls; the Eurasian eagle-owl and the Eurasian pygmy owl. The lake is one of the most important resting places in the country for migratory wetland birds, which makes Lake Hornborga the perfect destination for birdwatchers. You can experience magnificent birdlife all year round – from the white-tailed eagle in January to the thrush nightingale during the summer and the Eurasian crane during the spring.

The lake is particularly known for the large amount of cranes that rest here during spring, and the numbers of cranes that stay here at the same time are often five-figured. Don’t miss a visit to Trandansen at the southernmost point of the lake during the crane season, or the visitor center naturum Hornborgasjön on the east side of the lake. 

Sjön Östen 
Lake Östen is a birdlake north of Skövde and is one of Sweden’s most important birdlakes. It is an important resting site that both swans, geese, mallards and waders need during their migration. You can also see both common redshanks, spotted crakes and common grasshopper warbles if you are lucky. The best time for a visit is March and April. Start at Logården, where you will find both information and a parking lot.