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Winter on Skaftö

  • Christina Ingemarsdotter

Now it is winter time and the nights get longer and longer. The cold begins to get hold of the island and your ears. Back inside after a healthy walk it is nice to get something warm. The restaurants prepare their Christmas smorgasbords and December is quite intense with the New Year celebration at the very end. A quieter winter takes over after that.

At last Christmas smorgasbord


The dark nights get longer and longer and the cold begins to get a strong grip of Skaftö After a brisk walk it is good to get inside with a cup of warm mulled wine. Now it is time to book a table at one of our restaurants. Christmas, Christmas dinners and Lucia celebrations are approaching. Outside the wind is fresh while we enjoy the warmth of candles and fires. Also the company of good food and good friends. Let your appetite for food decide and choose a luxurious dinner or a simple dish


Winter is the time for walks


Skaftö with snow, frost, gray and cloudy or icy rain in a storm. Everything is offered and the variety is endless. Now is the time for fresh walks. Maybe the weather is too tough for a picnic, but why not a picnic inside. The daylight is attractive, so just get dressed. The sea never denies itself, an endless new spectacle, always testifying its eternity ....