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Summer on Skaftö

  • Christina Ingemarsdotter

Beautiful days give way to wonderful evenings. If you could you would never sleep. Nature's spectacle, nice people and good possibilities to get out and move around.

Activities at sea

There are many different boats to take us out to the open sea. With a guide or on our own. Fishing trips, rowing boats, kayaks and ferry services open up the sea to those who want to get out.


On land, near the big blue

Climbing, resting on a ledge sunbathing, jumping into the water, or crawling down gently from a rock, that is life. Lunch from the coolbag, a good book, a nice conversation - what more can you wish for.

Food is important

Food is a pleasure and we have a lot to choose from. If you would like to try all restaurants give it a week.

Of course, we also like to eat out on the porch, or on that granite rock, so to make time last you have to eat frequently och or stay long.

Skaftö is an island which you return to

Rent a house, a room or a bed and stay up for a while. Whatever the weather you can enjoy nature. There are many small winding paths crisscross all over the island. They are suitable for unplanned walks, something that many of us are short of. See where you end up, bring something to eat in your pack and hey presto! The adventure is a fact.

Bring friends, or run away from them, there are many starting points for returning.