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Fotograaf: Mats Jonsson, Wauglen Vildmark

Munkedal municipality

70 kilometers of hiking


Stage 15 Metsjö-Kaserna read more                                 
There is wilderness. And there are regions with a wild history. The fifteenth stage of Bohusleden goes in an area with a bloody history of war and unrest.
The lake Upper Trästickeln with surroundings was (despite the peace in Roskilde 1658) the borderland in the hostilities between Sweden and Norway all the way into 1700s. The last clash was Tyttebärskriget, as recently as 1788-1789.

Today you will encounter another drama-nature. It is sometimes quite demanding and hilly hiking, but the surroundings are varied and very beautiful.

Stage 16 Kaserna-Borgmästarbruket read more                         
Water plays a major role along this stage! On trails and roads, you will follow the rivers Munkedalsälven and Örekilsälven. Here are a number of dams, built to supply Munkedals paper mills with water and these are places where the beaver thrives. If you are lucky you will see how the beavers build their own dams with tree branches, sticks and sludge. They are rodents and feed mainly on twigs and aquatic plants, but never whole trees.

Örekilsälven is the second largest river in the Bohuslän region and it is also one of the best fishing waters in the south of Sweden. Fishing licenses are required. The river has become a perfect habitat for birds such as the Kingfisher, and, due to the prevalence of insects, the Dipper and Wagtail.

Stage 17 Borgmästarbruket-Kyrkoryr read more          
The stage start is Borgmästarbruket. The main part of the route follows small country lanes. This stage is therefore a comparatively easy walk. Perhaps it gives you a greater opportunity to relax, time to find the natural and cultural values that you are surrounded by as you pass. Less clear are stone circles and burial grounds from ancient days, tangible idyllically located and so also the living farms.

Stage 18 Kyrkoryr-Kynnefjälls Natur read more            
The trail follows paths and country lanes passing through agricultural landscapes, along lake Kärnsjön and forested countryside. 

Stage 19 Kynnefjälls Natur-Vaktarekullen read more 
Before you start your hike on this stage, we would like to inform you that the stage is the first to take you into the largest contiguous wilderness area in Bohuslän. After long distances there are no settlements and there are few intersecting public roads.

Get ready for an extraordinary nature experience! This exciting stage leads to the very heart of Kynnefjäll – and up to its highest point, Vaktarekullen. Along the way you can enjoy the blueberries, spruce forest, heather heath, cascading streams and waterfalls. At the right time of year, you can smell the sweet air at an open morass covered with cloudberries. During flowering season, you can see the northern white-water lily flower in dark and magical woodland lakes. And during spring and summer listen to the lone, desolate cries at dusk.

Your hike will probably be monitored by vigilant animals like deer, moose, beaver, lynx and maybe even a wolf. If you are lucky, you may even get to see some of them. If not, be content in the knowledge that they are wild and do not wish to be seen or approached.

Stage 20 Vaktarekullen-Flötemarksön (Formerly Vaktarekullen-Holmen) read more 
It is perhaps here at Vaktarekullen, in the middle of the wilderness, that you should take a day’s break from the hike along the trail. Stop and truly experience that it is not the goal that is most important, but the journey to reach the goal. 

Two good accommodation facilities are available; the resting hut at Vaktarekullen and the wind shelter at Stora Holmevattnets southern shore. With light packing, you can spend the day wandering around the nature reserve you are in – Kynnefjälls.

The stage starts right in the heart of Kynnefjäll and you can look forward to a genuine, slightly unusual wilderness hike. If you study the nature carefully, you will spot plant species that belong in northern Sweden, among others Dwarf birch, Norrland lichen and Lemming moss. In the same area, however, among other things, you will also discover Linden, Hazel, Hepatica and Orchid, plant species typical of southern Sweden. Here, you walk in a part of Sweden where nature from the north and south meet and unite. If you take a short trip to this wilderness, consider and perhaps be surprised that it is only about 30 minutes drive to the Bohuslän archipelago. So close and yet so different!

The end of this stage has moved and is now called Flötemarksön (formerly Holmen). The change means that the stage is about 12.5 km in length. The intermediate target is adjacent to public roads, which means a good opportunity for drop-off or collection. There are a few parking spaces at the bridge, approximately 300 meters east of the stage target.
