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Childrens Munkedal
Munkedal municipality

Something for all ages

Longing for a dip in the sea or a swim in a lake? Bring friend and family to Gårvik, lake Kolstorpevattnet, lake Sannesjön or Saltkällan.

Challenge friends or your family on two wheels. Utmana kompisar eller familjen med en cykeltur. Are you after a tougher challenge visit the mountainbike path at Stale in Munkedal.

Who get the first fish or the largest? Challenge friends or family. Why not cook the fish together? To fish in the lakes you will need a licence.

Torreby GK is a nice golf course outside Munkedal. There is also a driving range if you prefer to practice.

Jump on a train
Jump on a train at Åtorp and listen to the story about Munkedals old railway.