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Fotograaf: Torbjörn Tobbe Olsson

Nedre Upperudsälven fishing area

Information about fishing in Lake Upperudsälven FVO

From Håverud to the railroad in Köpmannebro!

1.455 ha

Pike, zander, perch, salmon, trout, burbot, whitefish of several species.

The fishery area includes the following waters:
Övre (Upper) and Nedre (Lower) Upperudshöljen, Spången, Östebosjön, Malefjorden, Kilaneviken, Branddalsviken, Svanfjorden, Ryrsjön, Hjärterudssundet, Trasken, Bjurdämmetjärnet, Ransbergstjärn and Dalsjön. The fishing area borders in the east to the railway and in the northwest to the control dam and the power station in Håverud as well as the road to Båttjärnet.

Fishing rules:
Fishing license must be brought when fishing! Fishing can be done with a rod, jigging, casting rod, from a boat or land with no more than 2 rods per boat throughout the license area. Restriction of fishing at Upperud's and Håverud's power plants.  Eel is protected, so no eel fishing what so ever. Crayfishing is not included in the fishing license. Minimum dimensions: Goose 45 cm, salmon, trout 60 cm.

Fishing licenses:
Team Sportia, Mellerud, tel 0530-10375
Melleruds Turistbyrå, tel. 0530-189 00
The lockstation in Snäcke
The lockstation in Köpmannebro
Coop, Åsensbruk
Oljan, Vibergsgatan 1, Mellerud, tel. 076-6288141
Fritzéns Maskin, Mellerud, tel. 0530-41118
Upperud 9:9, tel. 070 7498779
Snäjk, Vänersborg, tel. 0521-220490
Fiskshopen, Trollhättan, tel. 0520-36115

Fishing license vendors have a sheet of rules, restrictions and maps that you get when you buy your license.

You can also pay via internet to bg 325-6526 or via Swish: 123 030 4873.

Day: 100 SEK
Week: 200 SEK
Half year: 300 SEK
Year: 400 SEK
Year family: 450 SEK
Trolling: not allowed

Boat ramps:
- Köpmannebro, Joacim Lundgren, tel. 070-5856709, 100 SEK / occation.
- Upperud, Spångens båtklubb, 30 kr / occation.



Nedre Upperudsälvens Fiskevårdsområde

Kontaktman: Krister Olsson

E-mail: krister.olk@telia.com

Website: Naar Homepage