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Deel van

Nären FVO

Information about fishing in Lake Nären FVO

Lake Nären include  fishing species such as perch, bream, bream, pike, zander, roach and roach.


Fishing in lake Nären
Area: 305 ha.
Fish species: Perch, birch, bream, pike, zander, roach and roach.

Fishing license seller:
Jonas Andersson, Töresbyn, +46(0)530-33089
Emil Torstensson, Kroken,+46(0)761051549
Bertil Jansson, Framnäs Gård, +46(0)530-12404
Erik Udd, Ingribyn, +46(0)530-33023
Skålleruds Gård +46(0)530-30305

Note! Can not be purchase at the tourist offices


Remember that it is not allowed to fish without a fishing license in Sweden. And only in the lakes that are part of an FVO.

If you have questions about fishing, please contact one of Dalsland's tourist information offices.


Närens Fiskevårdsområde

464 94 Mellerud

Telefoon: +46 0761051549

E-mail: nerenfvo@outlook.com