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Fotograaf: Anna Söderman

Walking trail Sjötorp-Harnäs-Surö-Sjötorp

Walking trail close to Lake Vänern

Welcome to a walk from Sjötorp to Harnäs and Surö. This is easy walking terrain with clearly marked paths, which for the most part follow Lake Vänern. The whole walk is 9.6 km.


This trail takes you through easy walking terrain with clearly marked paths, which for the most part follow Lake Vänern. The whole walk is 9.6 km. You can begin at different starting points and then choose between a shorter and a longer walk. There are maps to borrow by the floodlit trail. Please return the laminated maps when you are finished with your walk.

During the walk you will pass places such as Timmerviken, Stora Sandvik and a beautiful viewpoint. If you wish you can continue to Surö beech wood.

At the end of the Harnäs headland there are two lighthouses and an old lighthouse keeper’s cottage.

At Sandviken is a small beach and rocks by the water. Here is also two fire places set up.

Parking at Sandviken: You can start your walk to Harnäs or Surö from here.

Download map of the trail.

Download description of the trail.


Surö beech wood is a nature reserve, which lies a couple of kilometres south of Sjötorp, by Lake Vänern. In some places blue wood anemones and coralroot grow, and over 300 different mushroom varieties can be found here. Among the birds you may see here are sandpiper, merganser, wood pigeon, crested grebe and mallard. In several places you can see traces of inland ice in the form of large rocks and boulders.

Please note: 

If you have a dog with you, remember always to keep it on the lead in the woods and countryside during the period 1/3-20/8.

To avoid the main moose hunt, you should not use the trails during the most intensive hunting period, the second Monday in October to the beginning of November.


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