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Fotograaf: Susanne Sune Lindwall

Vadsbo museum

When you visit Vadsbo museum and take part of Mariestad and the district history, the city’s industry history but also occasional art exhibitions that varies each season.

In the governor’s residence

Vadsbo museum is in the center of Mariestad, on the island Marieholm at the river Tidan meets Värnen. This used to be the governor’s residence and has one main building with six wing buildings. The museum is places in four of these wings in which two of them are public.

Base exhibit in the stable

In the stable shows the new base exhibit that presents a selection of the museums collection. With help from historic items, Vadsbo museum shows Mariestad’s emergence from prehistoric time to the 20th century’s beginning, the districts development, the forming of the administration city and the resident city.

The city’s industry history

In industry, in the east stable yard, is Mariestad’s industry history presented. Here you can witness industrial development up until our time. With an emphasis on the Unica box, which is the city’s, through out the time, most famous product. It also shows Katrinefors factory oldest paper machine from 1872. In the exhibition you will also get an overview of old and new local companies, including Mariestads brewery, Nike, Kling Glass and Electrolux.

The museum shop

The museum shop is located in the stable. Here you can find our most selling product, a newly produced copy of the Unica box in different sizes, hobo craft, ceramics, birdhouses, jewellery, books for both children and adults and so on. Much of the product is from the local area.


The museum arranges three markets each year:

National day celebration with a market 6th of June.

Harvest market on the last Saturday in September.

Christmas market on Saturday, first weekend in advent.


This is one of Mariestad’s certified visitor service, InfoPoint. Here you will find main brochures over the area, maps and offered help from knowledgeable staff with easier questions. In Skaraborg are many InfoPoints available, you will recognise it by the green the authorization mark.


Vadsbo Museum

Marieholmsbron 3

542 30 Mariestad

Telefoon: +46 501 75 58 30

E-mail: museum@mariestad.se

Website: Naar Homepage