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Fotograaf: Emilia Söderman

Kling Glass

Ice cream - locally produced in Mariestad

During a visit in Mariestad, you simply cannot miss trying out the local Kling Ice Cream. It's sold in multiple kiosks and shops, and the factory is open for sales a couple days a week.

Kling Glass - Ice Cream - has been produced in Mariestad since the 50's. The founder Harry Kling had a vision about creating ice cream tastier than the type available in the local kiosks. And that's how his very first creation came to be; the Diné Cake, a classic among Kling Ice Cream. The rumour of the locally produced quality ice cream in Mariestad spread quickly through the lands, and the products are now available at multiple places in Sweden. But its heart, the production, remains in Mariestad. Good taste, old classics as well as new, has its creation in the factory with local produce. 

The ice cream is sold in many of Mariestad's great spots, such as the kiosk at Nya torget, the guest harbour, Laxhall, Brygghuset by the Torsö bridge, and Qvarnstensgruvan (millstone quarry) in Lugnås. It's also available in many shops and cafés in the area. 

A couple days a week, the factory itself is open for sale of ice cream cakes and ice cream. The times are available on their Facebook and Instagram page.


Kling Glass

Milstensgatan 4

542 33 Mariestad

Telefoon: +46 501 717 75

E-mail: info@klingglass.se

Website: klingglass.se