Klimatstigen - the Climate Path - follows along the forest paths in the diocese reserve Tjäderåsen on Torsö. Along the way, both big and small can learn about the climate and our effect on Mother Earth.
Klimatstigen is roughly 2 km long, and a good place to learn more about the climate and nature. The climate angel Pax and the be Pollinis guide children along the path where there's different exercises such as forest bingo and nature lego to solve.
The walk goes along forest paths and follows signage towards Hattarevik Bathsite. Some kilometre before the bathsite, you'll find the start of the path on the right of the road, where a large sign sits at the edge of the woods. On the left, there's parking spots available.
The purpose of the Climate Path is to spread knowledge and hope that more people will get to participate in building a more climate friendly future.
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