Café Bäcken
Summer open cafe by lake Vänern, 2 km from the city center in Mariestad. Exciting mini-golf where the courses are made as sights in Mariestad.
Popular summer open cafe by lake Vänern, 2 km from the city center. Generous green areas, with view over the water, where you can enjoy your coffee and delicious pastry.
Bäcken also offers different types of activities such as mini-golf, where the courses are made as sights in Mariestad, child friendly playground and beach volleyball court. Nice walking paths and marked trails passes the cafe.
Opening hours 2024
6 June - 18 August, daily 10.00-20.00.
Equmeniakyrkan Mariestad
Bäcken, Ekuddenvägen 27
542 45 Mariestad
Telefoon: +46 501 175 10
Website: Naar Homepage