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Fotograaf: Anders Persson

The church of Lysekil

A beautiful granite church

At the foundation ceremony (1899) of the present church, the bishop of Strängnäs, Ullman, said in his speech about the church: "... she shall stand here as a sermon, a psalm in stone, a speaking picture of the spiritual sanctuary of God" .

The church of Lysekil, designed by architect Adrian Crispin Petterson from Gothenburg, was built entirely in granite and was completed in 1901. This is the city's third church; The two previous were wooden churches and one of them was moved to Malmön where it is still in use. The present church is the largest church in Bohuslän and is located on Rosviksberg, the only place in the city where such a large building could fit. Because it was so difficult to find a spot, it is also built in north-south direction instead of east-west.

The blocks that the church is built of are cut by hand and then winched in place. The church has sometimes been called a foul building, and has a very exposed position. In 1914 the tower blew down and was shortened 5 meters after that and measures 63m above the ground today.

The location on Rosviksberg makes the church a landmark, which is seen around the world. In the vicinity there is a lookout tower built in wood, which gives a great view of the whole city and out over the sea. In summer there are many nice concerts in the church.


Lysekils Pastorat

Telefoon: +46 523 29 32 00

Website: lysekilspastorat.se/