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Fotograaf: Viktoria Drottz

Gamlestan, The Old Town

Cosy in the alleys between small houses

Gamla Strandgatan is the oldest street in Lysekil and leads through "Gamlestan, which is the oldest district of Lysekil. This is the place where the settlement began in the 16th century. And today the oldest houses are about 200 years old. In 1772 the old town burnt, and 21 of the houses were destroyed in whole or in part.

The fishermen had simple houses with simple winch boards and the captains had decorations on their houses. Today, when many of the houses have been renovated, you can see a lot of carpentry. Previously, it was clear who had a lot of money, when taxes were paid by number of windows.

Along the stone-lined street stand the well-preserved wooden buildings from the mid 1800's and a few decades ahead. At that time, the settlement went all the way to the beach. In several of the houses there are small signs telling about its owners and history.


Lysekils kommun

Kungsgatan 44

45380 Lysekil

Telefoon: +46523 61 30 00

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