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Fotograaf: Katrin Baath

The growth of the idea...

Växtrum (which literally means plant rooms in Swedish) are ten unique green spaces that are created and performed by some of Swedens most professional gardeners and interested locals together. Come closer, the designers give you their reflections from behind the scenes.


“A garden is always much more than what you see with your eyes or smell with your nose. It can be a private world where you move at your own pace, listening to your own sounds, where birdsong overpowers the noise of traffic and where you can see the stars. Maybe a small Mary Garden, as seen in paintings from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance era. Each plant has a connection to the Virgin Mary and symbolises an aspect of her life and the story of the Passion of Christ. The Mary Garden we have created in Lerum is a bit like that. ”
Karin Berglund


“There have been many market gardens along the River Säveån and I wanted this place to be a tribute to those old gardening days. An important feature was the greenhouse. The wrought iron structure was made by artist and craftsman Pelle Lundgren. There should be a derelict feel to the greenhouse. Climbing plants growing over it will create a shady arbour. This space should feel cared for but have a slightly abandoned air too.”
André Strömqvist

Tillväxten - Brobackenslänten 

”The garden serves as a knowledge hub that supports learning about sustainability. A welcoming space where visitors can enjoy moments of relaxation. It can also be booked to be used as an outdoor classroom, for talks, small concerts and workshops. A few trees were taken down to bring more light and visibility to the garden and most of them were reincorporated into the site. They have become vital habitats for all sorts of animals and insects.”
Eva Robild


“We have based Aluddengläntan on the atmosphere of the 19th century with its aesthetic ideal of the garden, and combined it with our modernday interest in gardening and recreation. A wonderful balance between nature and culture, where groups of perennials replace natural meadows. The garden is framed by trimmed hedges and free-growing shrubs which provide contrast to the soft foliage.”
Hannu Sarenström


“The Wamme bridge site is an ideal spot for a grove. The old rhododendron bushes and the natural vegetation along the riverbank create a feeling of space that is perfect for those kinds of plants. Planting a copse to walk through seemed like the obvious idea. We felt this place needed an unusual tree species with beautiful flowers. Halesia carolina, the snowdrop tree, popped into my mind. This tree really stands out in the spring with its masses of white snowdrop-like flowers. This garden will bloom from early spring to late autumn!”
Gerben Tjeerdsma

Aspen Sol

“I think the Växtrum project is a fantastic idea. Creating green spaces for the community to enjoy. People often choose soft, gentle shades for their gardens. So garden designers don’t always use strong, vibrant colours. But that’s what I want to do. Strong colours lift the spirits. The Aspen sol garden is dominated by plants bursting with colours that brighten up the space. It has an eye-catching design. From its rose-filled centre, the sun radiates outwards with six rays to the brick edging. I truly hope this space will lift your spirits.”
Gunnel Carlsson

Giardino Segreto

“A little bit of Italy in the centre of Lerum. I’ve made it a Giardino segreto, a secret garden. It is a place where you come to sit and relax for a while - or the rest of the day. An Italian garden must include a wall. It should face south so that the sun hits it. Sit beneath the larch pergola, on la terrazza al limone - the lemon terrace, and enjoy being outdoors. The cypress-like Swedish junipers heighten the Italian garden feel. It’s like stepping into a Renaissance garden near Florence. Everything has been measured with a ruler to create sharp architectural outlines. Like the Renaissance, when people began to take control of nature.”
Peter Englander


"It’s a dream of a place for creating a garden, with a large house as a backdrop. And such an open space that virtually anything can be created here to catch the eyes of all passers-by and visitors. What we’ve created here is a mini park. It has every type of plant imaginable - trees, shrubs, evergreens, perennials, a colourful raised perennial bed. Benches too, with backrests. I wanted to create a room, but not a closed space. A park that is attractive in every season with plants that look good for months. I want to create gardens that can be accessed and enjoyed by lots of people." 
Mona Holmberg


“The focus here is on biodiversity. Visitors should feel excited and inspired by this garden. It also draws attention to the work of tackling invasive non-native species and the importance of biodiversity as a whole, from myriapods to beautiful flowers. A red Norway maple, crack willow, grey alder, honey locust, catalpa, Hungarian lilac and butterfly bush are some of the trees and bushes here. They are locally sourced and grown, which means they are suited to the climate and conditions of the site. ”
Anders Stålhand

Solens Öga

“Solens öga is a garden for the soul. Where you can reflect on yourself. A place for meditation, for meeting others and discussing all aspects of life. It also gives space for spontaneity, life and inspiration. It is a source of recuperation and beauty. The oak tree next to the garden was planted in tribute to Cecilia’s friend Björn Natthiko Lindeblad who has been a great inspiration for this place. The name Natthiko means one who grows in wisdom. Oaks are the trees of wisdom.
Cecilia Liljedahl