Designed by Gerben Tjeerdsma, this beautiful garden bursts into life early in the year with a wonderful display of snowdrops and continues with a succession of flowers throughout the season. The vegetation and shady trees along the riverbank have been left undisturbed for wildlife, giving this Växtrum garden a lush, leafy feel. It is located at the end of Wamme bridge, which crosses the burbling River Säveån.
This stone bridge was built in 1853. The large house that once stood next to it is long gone and the site was left abandoned and overgrown for many years. A trodden path went straight across the grass between the bridge and the gravel track which leads upstream. In 2017, the site was given a new lease of life and transformed into a Växtrum garden by Gerben Tjeerdsma and his team.
Växtrum i Lerum
Bagges Torg
443 80 LERUM
Telefoon: +46 302-521000