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Fotograaf: Fredrik Aakerberg

Tourist Information

We are happy to help

A large range of activities, places to visit, restaurants and layovers make Lerum a fantastic place to live, work from and visit.  We are happy to help with information such as sights, maps, events, hiking trails, tips on accommodation and more.

Contact us through social medias: Instagram: @visitlerum, Facebook: Visit Lerum

Email: turist@lerum.se

Digital site: https://www.vastsverige.com/en/lerum-eng/


6 Infopoints 

From 2023 we offer 6 places where you can get tourist information. The opening hours are set by the facility/operation it self. 

KomIn Contact Center

Lerum municipality's customer center, Kom In can help you by phone or over the counter if you have questions. The Växtrum in Lerum map and leaflets can always be picked up from the information cabinet outdoors at Aludden Park & Restaurant, Aspenäsvägen 12.

Opening hours Kom In

Phone: +46 (0) 302-521000
Email: kommun@lerum.se  

Visitor address: Brobacken 1, 443 30 Lerum

The Tannery Club - Garveriet 

The new activity center for outdoor and nature experiences; The Tannery Club houses also an Infopoint. Welcome in!

Opening hours The Tannery Club

Phone: +46 (0) 730-395666
Email: info@thetanneryclub.com

Nääs castle

During the summer season, an Infopoint is also housed in Slottsboden at Nääs.

Opening hours Nääs Slott

Phone: 046 (0) 302-31839
Email: info@naas.se 


Grepp climbing - Stenkullen

Find tourist information here the whole year around, if your looking for nature activities, accomondation and more. 

Opening hours Grepp

Phone: +46 (0) 302-12400
Email: mail@grepp.se 


Aludden park and restaurant 

This is also an InfoPoint for personal tips on where to go and what to see in whole Lerum municipality. 

Opening hours Aludden

Phone: +46 (0) 302-17850
Email: bokning@aludden.se 


Nellies Café and Diner - Sjövik

At Nellie's you will get tips on where to hike in and around Sjövik, whats the so called "Swedish rout 66" is and much more. 

Opening hours Nellies

Phone: +46 (0) 302-45197
Email: hello@nelliesdiner.se 




Turistinformationen Lerums kommun

Bagges torg, Brobacken 1

443 80 Lerum

Telefoon: +46 302 521000

E-mail: turist@lerum.se

Website: visitlerum.se