Nature activities in Lerum
With over 150 lakes there is a lot to discover in nature here in Lerum. This is your guide to enjoyable hiking trails, canoeing tips, fishing, boat rental and more.
Lerum is part of a lake kingdom, with many "soft adventures". Experiences in the form of hiking trails, walks or family adventures are some of them. Or if you are looking for tough terrain, wilderness, bike and exercise tracks in several distances - this is the place to be.
3 Tracks - from start back to start
- Goråsspåren. This is a track where you have to be prepared to get a little tired and maybe a little wet under your feet. You get rewarded for your hard work when standing almost 100 meters above lake Aspen, overlooking the lake and wilderness.
- Risveden terräng. A wonderful longer trip for those who like to run in nature. Here you have a walk of total 17 kilometers in partly rough terrain, with quiet and beautiful stops along the way to small cliffs and ponds.
- Stamsjöspåret. This trail goes around the lake Lilla Stamsjön, starting at the municipal bathing area called Stamsjön badplats. This track has been upgraded in recent years so that you can now get around Stamsjön easily with dry shoes, carry-ons and children. But remember to wear clothing after weather.
3 Hiking trails - from A to B
- Gotaleden. This is an enjoyable 71 kilometer long hiking trail from Gothenburg city centre to Alingsås. Along the way you will explore beautiful nature reserves, gardens, restaurant, cafés and 10 train stops, which gives you the opportunity to stop and hike whereever you like. Gotaleden is divided into 9 smaller hikes, if you dont want to challenge yourself to do all 71 kilometers.
- Flodaleden. The Härskog area is part of the green wedge that starts in the Delsjö area in Gothenburg, and is classified by the Swedish goverment as National Interest for outdoor life. The trail starts at Härskogen's parking lot or at Berghultskolan in Floda, you choose which direction you prefer. The trail is about 10 kilometers in total and take approximately 2 hours to hike.
- Härskogsleden or Stamsjöleden, there are two names to this hike so dont be confused, its the same one. Härskogsleden also start at Härskogen's parking lot, but ends up at Stamsjön's swimming area, or if you prefer to walk the opposite direction. Its in total 6,3 kilometers through terrain.
For personal descriptions on where to go and what to see along the way, please contact The Tourist Office down below.
Fotograaf: Jonas Ingman
Lerum Municipality welcomes you to some of West Sweden's finest paddling waters, a lake system consisting of eight different lakesm which is unique in its kind.
Suggestion for a two-day tour:
Start your wilderness adventure in Torskabotten in Tollered. Here you then make a short lift in a maximum of ten minutes to the spectacular lake Ömmern, with all its beautiful little beaches and islands. Ömmern is a vast forest lake, perfect for exploring and for those looking to find their own little paradise island. The area around the lake is classified as national interest for nature conservation.
Seggestion for a one-day tour:
From the canoeing centre in Tollered/Nääs Fabriker, there is 30 minutes canoeing to the Lerums most popular attraction Nääs castle and the beautiful surroundings. This gives you a beautiful scenery from the water as well as from shore. Lots of historical buildings, a castle park, nature rooms, large open play areas, swimming and barbecue areas means you can easily spend several hours at Nääs.
Where to rent:
Get more personal tips on where to go and what to see depending on your wish list with Monica and Christian at Sjölyckan canoeing centre. Visit Sjölyckan at Spinnerivägen 6, Tollered.
It is also possible to rent SUP and kayak in the unmanned kayakomat in Floda or in Lerum. In Floda you will find it at Drängseredsbadet, Trastvägen 1 Floda. In Lerum you will find it at Aspens badplats, Strandvägen 7 Lerum.
Fotograaf: Oscar Mattsson
Lake Sävelången
This lake has several prepared fishing piers, you can also go out by boat and catch many different kinds of fish. The fish that are available and can be fished are mainly pike and perch. But also zander, trout, lake, bream, roach and norse. Eels occur but are now prohibited to fish.
There are two different types of fishing licenses valid for fishing in Sävelången:
- The Sävelång pass, which is valid only in Sävelången and Lillelången, is available as an annual pass and costs 120 SEK for a calendar year.
- The Yellow Card, which is valid in around fifty lakes in the Gothenburg area, including Sävelången. It is available as an annual pass and costs 400 SEK for one year. The yellow card is also available as a weekly and 24-hour option and costs 100 SEK for a week and 50 SEK for a day.
- Children up to the age of 16 fish for free with both cards.
This is one of southern Sweden's most interesting fishing waters. It is a gem for anyone who likes fly fishing, some claim that you have to go north of the Dalälven to find an equally nice fishing water. On the stretch between Hedefors and Floda, i.e. within the fisheries management area, there is a genuine stationary trout population, which unfortunately has recently decreased in size. The fishing areas are for the most part within the Säveån nature reserve.
Fishing period in Säveån is 15 May - 31 August.
For fishing card and latest information - please keep updated.
Fishing card and information at ifiske
Fotograaf: Oscar Mattsson
And a kindly reminder - remember to take the right of the public into account when fishing and take your own rubbish home with you!
More information
There are many more fishing lakes in Lerum, for all information about where to fish and if you need a valid fishing card or not, contact Ifiske at
Boat rental in lake Mjörn
If you would like to go fishing in lake Mjörn by boat its possible to go and see Johnny in Björboholm at Mjörn boat rental. He offers a 5 meter long fishing boat for self-service or togehter with fishing instructor. They have all the equipment needed for a nice day out at the water. Contact information by phone: (+46) 0729157650 or email:
Fotograaf: Lerums kommun, Anneli Wåhlin
Contact The Tourist Office
Phone: +46 - (0)302-521000
Visit: Kommunhuset Lerum, Brobacken 1, Bagges torg. 44330 Lerum